Thousand Sunny, One Piece Grand Ship Collection by Bandai
One Piece is an extremely popular Japanese franchise that began as a manga series created by Eiichiro Oda. The story follows Monkey D. Luffy throughout his various adventures as a pirate along with the memorable allies alongside him. This comedic action franchise is the bestselling manga series in history and has expanded to other media formats with terrific success, including a popular anime series and various anime films. Relive the thrilling and hilarious journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his loyal companions in their quest for treasure as you build your very own Thousand Sunny, One Piece Grand Ship Collection. Based on the bestselling manga series in history, this highly detailed and collectible model features the iconic ship from the One Piece franchise and is perfect for fans of the series and ship building enthusiasts alike. Elevate your collection and embark on new adventures with the Thousand Sunny!
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* Mint in Sealed Box
* Bandai