Batman Hush, DC Multiverse by McFarlane Toys 2023
"Batman: Hush" is a critically acclaimed storyline in DC Comics, written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Jim Lee. Originally serialized in "Batman" comics from 2002 to 2003, it has been compiled into a graphic novel. The story revolves around a mysterious new adversary known as Hush, orchestrating a complex plot to destroy Batman both physically and emotionally. Hush, concealing his identity behind bandages, manipulates various iconic villains against the Dark Knight. The narrative not only delves into Batman's rogues' gallery but also explores his relationships, particularly with Catwoman and his closest allies. Jim Lee's dynamic artwork and Jeph Loeb's intricate storytelling contribute to the storyline's enduring popularity, making "Batman: Hush" a must-read for fans of the Caped Crusader. The narrative unfolds with suspense, unexpected twists, and high-stakes action, leaving a lasting impact on the Batman mythos.
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* Mint in Sealed Box
* 7" Tall
* 2023