Barbatos Gundam Universe Bandai 2019, MISB (No Assembly Required)
Baroness 25th Anniversary GI Joe by Hasbro
Baroness Takara MiC 1986 (w/ Bubble Tear)
Baroness, GI Joe A Real American Hero (ARAH) by Hasbro 2001
Bart, The Simpsons by Mattel 1990
Bartman with Graded Comic, The Simpsons by Mattel 1990
Bat Jet, Batman The Dark Knight Collection by Kenner 1991 (Brand New Mint in Box Unassembled)
Batcave Power Center (Micro Playset), Batman Forever Kenner 1995
Batcave Power Center Micro Playset (Complete), Batman Forever Kenner 1995
Batcycle (Out of Box), Batman the Animated Series by Kenner 1993
Batcycle (Sealed Box), Batman The Dark Knight Collection by Kenner, 1991
Batcycle, Batman the Animated Series by Kenner 1993
Batgirl (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Batgirl (Euro Card), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Batgirl, Legends of the Dark Knight by Kenner 1998
Batman & Robin Bundle with Comics (No Capes), Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batman & Superman Bundle, Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batman (Repro Cape), Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batman (with Original Cape) & Robin Bundle, Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batman 12-Back Fan Club Offer, Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batman Super Powers by Kenner
Batman, Toy Biz 1990
Batman, Toy Biz 1990 (Excellent Card)
Batmobile (BIB), Batman the Animated Series (BTAS) by Kenner 1992
Batmobile (Brand New with Box, Applied Stickers), Vintage Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batmobile (MIB - Btand New), Batman the Animated Series by Kenner 1992
Batmobile (New in Open Box), The Dark Knight Collection by Kenner 1991
Batmobile Batman Forever (comes with box), Kenner 1995
Batmobile Batman Forever (Complete), Kenner 1995
Batmobile from Batman The Animated Series (MIB), BTAS by Kenner 1992
Batmobile from Batman The Animated Series (Mint in Box), BTAS by Kenner from 1992
Batmobile with Batman & Joker, Vintage Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Batmobile with Batman & Robin, Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Battle Armor Cobra Commander 25th Anniversary GI Joe by Hasbro
Battle Armor Skeletor Vintage MOTU by Mattel 1983
Battle Armor Skeletor with Panthor, MOTU Masters of the Universe by Mattel, 1983
Battle Armor Skeletor, Masters of the Universe (MOTU) by Mattel 1983
Battle Armor with Battlecat, MOTU Masters of the Universe by Mattel, 1983
Battle Gear Bruce Wayne (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Battle Shiwan Khan from The Shadow by Kenner, 1994