H.A.V.O.C. (Heavy Articulated Vehicle Ordnance Carrier), Vintage GI Joe ARAH by Hasbro 1986
H.A.V.O.C. GI Joe Complete with 4 Figures by Hasbro, 1986
H.E.A.T. Viper w/ Fast Blast Viper Accessories, GI Joe A Real American Hero (ARAH) by Hasbro 1989
Halfcourt, Vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) by Playmates Toys 1993 - TOYCON PH '22
Hall of Heroes Zartan 25th Anniversary GI Joe by Hasbro
Hammerhead, Star Wars A New Hope by Kenner
Hammerhead, Star Wars by Kenner, 1978
Han Shot First Set with Han Solo, Chewbacca, & Greedo , Star Wars by Kenner, 1980
Han Solo, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back by Kenner
Harley Quinn (First Released Action Figure), Batman the Animated Series by Kenner 1994 - TOYCON PH '22.
Hawk 25th Anniversary GI Joe by Hasbro
Hawk V2 1986 - Loose
Hawkman with Card (No Wings), Super Powers by Kenner 1984
Hawkman, Super Powers by Kenner 1984
He-Man & Battlecat, Commemorative Masters of the Universe (MOTU) by Mattel 2000
He-Man & Skeletor with Comics, New Adventures of He-Man by Mattel, 1990
Heat Scan Batman (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Hooded Cobra Commander 1984 - Loose Mint Complete
Hordak with Bow, MOTU Masters of the Universe by Mattel 1985
Hot Rod Reissue by Hasbro
Hoth Gear Han Solo, Star Wars Empire Strikes Backby Kenner, 1980
Hoth Set of Four, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back by Kenner
Hover Attack Batman with Bat Cape (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Hovertread (Electronic), Aliens by Kenner 1992
Hulk Marvel Superheroes by ToyBiz
Hurrican Hordak with Buzz Saw Comic, MOTU Masters of the Universe by Mattel 1985
Hydro Charge Batman, Batman Returns by Kenner 1992
Ian Malcolm, The Lost World Jurassic Park Wave 1 by Kenner 1997
Ice Blast Mr. Freeze (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Ice board Robin (Complete), Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Ice Hammer (MISB), Batman the Animated Series BTAS by Kenner 1995 - TOYCON PH '22
Iceboard Robin, Batman & Robin, Kenner 1997
Iceman v1 Uncanny X-Men by ToyBiz 1992
Imperial Commander Bundle, Star Wars by Kenner
Infiltrator with Adam Steiner, Battletech by Tyco 1994
Infrared Batman, Batman the Animated Series by Kenner 1994 - TOYCON PH '22.
Invenusable Flytrap, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Bandai 1994
Iron Grenadiers (New on Card), Vintage GI Joe A Real American Hero by Hasbro 1988
Iron Grenadiers Destro 25th Anniversary GI Joe by Hasbro